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لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

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الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

لون شفاف

الألوان الافتراضية

descriptionAfter the Concert EmptyAfter the Concert

After the Concert

The blackened skies have reached the garden walk;
Yet my poor heart tonight cannot be not the restless…
The lights that have been failed, the lost of sounds talk,
Are they the remnants of the dream in sadness?

Oh, how sad it was, the satin of her dress,
Her breast was very white, among the straps black fair!
How sorry I was then to see her eyes distressed,
Her hands in snowy gloves, resigned as to a prayer!

And how much her soul was mercilessly dispersed,
Among the tearless, cold-hearted and unsettled!
Like sounds, bred in silence, were there spelled –
The starry sounds – lilac, bright, and gentle!

Like at an anguish’s flesh, from broken a lace,
In dazzling light of moon, with gentleness and fire,
Roll dawn amethysts into the dewy mire,
And die without trace.

Innokenty Fedorovich Annensky

descriptionAfter the Concert Emptyرد: After the Concert


بسمم الله الرحمآن الرحيممً..After the Concert 698882594#

السلامم عليكمم ورحمتةة الله وبركآته .$

وآآآآآو موضوعكك جميييلل جدا After the Concert 804695 ~!

يسلموو علي الموضوع الجميل..!@

ننتذرمنك المزيد والمزيد من الابداععَ..!!

وشكرآ لكي مره اخري علي هذا الموضوعع After the Concert 38464 #!

مع تحياتي لارواحكممم الطاهرةةة !


descriptionAfter the Concert Emptyرد: After the Concert

قصيدة رآئـعة

شكـرآ علـى الموضوع

After the Concert 866468155

descriptionAfter the Concert Emptyرد: After the Concert

موضوع رآئع !!
شكرآ لك ..
بإنتظــآر جديدك =)

After the Concert 3698130104

descriptionAfter the Concert Emptyرد: After the Concert

شكرآ لك

بإنتظار كل جديد منكـ

After the Concert 866468155

descriptionAfter the Concert Emptyرد: After the Concert

After the Concert 2145325613

descriptionAfter the Concert Emptyرد: After the Concert

After the Concert TkcIj

descriptionAfter the Concert Emptyرد: After the Concert

شكرآ لك
 KonuEtiketleri عنوان الموضوع
After the Concert
 Konu BBCode BBCode
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