النسخة المحمولة و الاصدار الأخير من هذا البرنامج العملاق في تسرع الجهاز و تنظيفه و تصحيح أخطائه
AVS Registry Cleaner, you can:
- Delete information that is no longer used, has remained incomplete after uninstallation or incorrect removal of software, or serves to activate malicious software.
- Return to a previous state changes made in the registry, if necessary.
- Get rid of unnecessary temporary files created by different applications or operating system.
- Delete temporary data browser, called cache.
- Remove labels that refer to the wrong location.
- Immediately clean the basket.
- Correctly uninstall damaged application.
- Quickly back up a registry and system.
- Restore the system files and Windows registry in the initial state before the completion of cleaning.
- To plan what types, when and how often to scan and correct.
حجم البرنامج : 18 ميجا
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