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descriptionMoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0 EmptyMoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0


MoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0 214785429

MoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0
Required Android O/S :
MoreQuicklyPanel is the customizable toggle widget stays at a notification panel.
Only for Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and Android 3.x Honeycomb.
The best partner of GALAXY Nexus, HTC One series and ICS Xperia series!!

MoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0 314434043

لمحة عامة: MoreQuicklyPanel هو مصغر للتخصيص تبديل يبقى في لجنة الإعلام.
فقط لالروبوت 4.0 الثلج ساندويتش كريم والروبوت الإصدار 3.x قرص العسل.
أفضل شريك لشركة نيكزس غالاكسي، HTC سلسلة واحدة والمركز سلسلة اريكسون!

أزرار وظيفة 14
وضع الطائرة: عرض حالة وضع الطائرة والتغيير فيه.
صامت الدراسي: عرض صامت حالة الوضع والتغيير فيه. طبيعي -> تذبذب -> صامت وعادي مرة أخرى.

14 function buttons
Airplane mode: Display airplane mode status and toggle it.
Silent mode: Display silent mode status and toggle it. Normal -> Vibrate -> Silent and Normal again.
Wi-Fi: Display Wi-Fi status and toggle it.
Bluetooth: Display bluetooth status and toggle it.
GPS: Display GPS status and open GPS settings.(Apps cannot change GPS status by the system security.)
Auto-rotate screen: Display automatic screen rotation status and toggle it.
Accounts & sync (Auto-sync): Display accounts & sync (auto-sync) status and toggle it.
Brightness: Display brightness status and toggle it. Auto -> Dim -> Normal -> Max and Auto again.
Mobile network settings: Open 'Mobile network settings' screen. You can
toggle 2G/3G/4G and 'Mobile data (Data enabled)' from there.
WiFi hotspot (Beta) (Update!): Display portable WiFi hotspot status and
toggle it. This function is released for test purpose. Please try
carefully and report the result.
Mobile data (New!): On / Off mobile data = data access over Mobile
network. Equivalent to [Settings] > [Data usage] > [Mobile data]
and [Settings] > [More...] > [Mobile networks] > [Data enabled]
Battery: Display battery meter and open battery status screen.
MoreQuicklyPanel settings: Open MoreQuicklyPanel settings.
Close notification panel: Close a notification panel.
You can select items to show.
You can select lamp color.
You can customize items to display and arrange order.
You can start MoreQuicklyPanel automatically at boot time.
While Wi-Fi and Bluetooth state are changing, the icons blink.
You can hide the notification icon at the status bar.
BEST FIT for GALAXY Nexus, HTC One series and ICS Xperia series!
What's in this version : (Updated : Apr 23, 2012)
Added the 'Mobile data' toggle. Equivalent to Settings > Data usage > Mobile data.
Added the option "Give the top to ...". To avoid the battle with MoreQuicklyDock for the top position.
Added [About] screen.
Changed the position and the text of the button [Show/Update] and [Close/Exit]. In accordance with ICS Design.
Added the ability to disable Wifi before enabling Wifi hotspot.
Changed the update method to avoid hopping at the notification panel.
More info :

Download Instructions: Released by chathu_ac

MoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0 214785429

descriptionMoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0 Emptyرد: MoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0

.. شكــرآإ جزيــلـآإ ..

descriptionMoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0 Emptyرد: MoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0

MoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0 2935028604

descriptionMoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0 Emptyرد: MoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0

بسـم الله الرحمـن الرحيـم

السلآم عليـكم و رحمة الله تعآلى و بركآتهـ

شكرآآ لك على الموضوع الرائـع

بإنتظآر كل جديد منكـ

descriptionMoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0 Emptyرد: MoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0


شكرآ لكـ .. مآ ننحرم من ج ـديدكً
MoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0 866468155

descriptionMoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0 Emptyرد: MoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0

- شكرا لك .

descriptionMoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0 Emptyرد: MoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0

شكرا لك

descriptionMoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0 Emptyرد: MoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0

شكـرآ لك على الموضوع

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 KonuEtiketleri عنوان الموضوع
MoreQuicklyPanel v1.5.0.0
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